Friday, May 8, 2009

Cruel Prank

I had to post this joke that I pulled while I was just barely off of training. I was working with a dispatcher who had been hired at the same time I was. I was working a 4 hour shift in the morning. During this time, the other new call taker received a report of a YAK running at large. I decided that this was likely a llama, because well....I have never seen a yak in our area before. After several people had given this dispatcher a hard time, and after the animal control officer responded and confirmed it was a llama, my shift was over. I decided to go work at the fire station, and came up with this GREAT idea. I thought it would be great fun to have my friend call dispatch to report a missing yak. He calls in, and actually speaks with the call taker who took the missing yak report. He proceeds to tell the dispatcher the area that it was lost in which was within about a 1 mile radius. He sounded very sincere and distraught. He even came up with a name for the yak. "Can you help me find my yak? I'm very worried. His name is YIPEE." Well the dispatcher told my friend that she had received a call of a found yak earlier in the day, and my buddy gave off the aura of glee in his voice. Then came the part where he told her that I had put him up to this prank. She came uncorked on him, and then he put me on the phone. I remember hearing a "SHAME ON YOU" remark, and a few other choice phrases, before she hung up. The next time I saw her at work I apologized for upsetting her, and she told me she thought it was funny. I think I may have done her in though....she quit the next week.

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