Saturday, May 2, 2009

Too Much SPANDEX!!

So today we got a call up Provo Canyon at Bridal Veil Falls report of an assault. The RP is taking his dog for a walk and the suspect is a biker (no not the motorcycle kind either). As I am taking the detail and asking all the routine questions about what the suspect is wearing, which way is he heading, etc. Well as I was getting the clothing description all my co-workers are listening to me repeat what he is telling me. He told me that the suspect was wearing an orange tank and black spandex shorts and his friend was wearing a blue spandex shirt and black spandex shorts. Well one of my co-workers thought I had said an orange cape and black spandex on, so she thought that some guy had jumped out of the bushes and just started beating on a guy. They were trying to get me to ask if he had a turban on.

Today has just been one of those days for calls. Is it a Full Moon????


  1. I swear she said orange cape and black spandex. The picture in my head was of some vigilante super hero.

  2. Full moon is coming. Don't you guys have a moon calendar in your center? Required eqp! haha
